Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Pine Bush - 154 Units Planned

Pine Bush - 154 Units Planned at Wolf Rock Development

The Town of Crawford as lead agency has informed the developers that the proposed Wolf Rock development must prepare a DEIS.

The site has a 50-foot strip of frontage on NYS Route 302 that is off-set just south of the intersection of NYS Route 302 and Stockmarket Road; the project plans propose an easement on lands just north of the site (owned by the Roman Catholic Church of the Infant Savior), in order to form a properly aligned 4-way intersection with Stockmarket Road and 302. The project is located on Edmund Lane and NYS Route 302 at the Town of Shawangunk boundary in the Town of Crawford, New York. A question some local Townspeople are asking is where are the buyers going to come from? The Boniface condominium development across the road has still not sold out after marketing for several years.

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